Wednesday 9 May 2012

The view from the top of the rocks is a good view and a close better view. The sea really looks beautifull and gets darker the deeper
You can see the Moon in the daytime because it is big and brightly lit by the Sun. The surface of the Moon is about as reflective as an asphalt road--rather dark but not totally black. When you look at the Moon, you are seeing the light which reflects off it. This is not nearly as bright as the Sun, but it is up to 100,000 times as bright as the brightest nighttime star.

Daed seals are really not a good thing to see it's really touching and bad.
Everyday alot of people walk around at the sea and mostly summer time. we might not always get alot of people but the footsteps shows us there alot of people before your arrival. it looks more like a design but it's just footsteps
The Jetty was closed for many years, but during 2008 the first section of the pier was rehabilitated and re-opened again. After a financial investment of a Swakopmund businessman and donations from the public, visitors an now again stroll down the whole 262m length of the Jetty.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

In Namibia mining is one of the major industries of the country.  Namibia is known globally for its uranium and  diamonddeposits. diamond This is one of the good example of how a diamond mine looks like. It's alot of work to be done and very dangoures
Since the first dinosaur fossils were recognized in the early 19th century, mounted fossil dinosaur skeletons or replicas have been major attractions at museums around the world, and dinosaurs have become a part of world culture. Their diversity, the large sizes of some groups, and their seemingly monstrous and fantastic nature have captured the interest and imagination of the general public for over a century. fossils
The monkeys in the road. some of them were actually sitting next to the road. Looked more as if they were counting all the cars passing them. I was once told bumping a monkey was badluck but the question to that is (IS IT TRUE OR NOT)
Things done with hands could be attractive and mean something to most of us. The man there is in his imaganary world playing with his toy. Now thats music to his ears
Windhoek the city off Namibia where the majority of crime is high. The city has alot of camera's on the poles and mostly at the 4way stops to make the work for the police officers easy. without crime police wouldn't have any work to do.
 Makatite is a very rare silicate and this excellent specimen features a large, diverging tuft of scintillating, soft-to-the-touch, fibrous makatite needles nicely set on matrix

Wednesday 18 April 2012

The PICK n PAY flags at Wern hill looked weird. out of the 5 flags the two in the sides loosed colour from the top and the colours bellow are still stong. but the other in the middle does not look as if it loosed its colour and still looks new
The cat was sitting in the sunlight and looked more as if it was praying/ spying someone /looking at people in the street going to work /school or busy passing by.
Most of the 4way stops has robots and this is due to safety. Most drivers are reckless and don't care about others. the robot has the red light for stop , orange to reduce speed and green to go. Not all drivers follows the rules but most of them break the rules
If you see a lot of sparrows or doves on your lawn, they are the culprits eating the seeds.  Morning doves eat seeds on the grass lawn and this happends almost everyday
 Although winter feeding benefits most birds, food shortages can occur at any time of the year. This small bird was busy feeding it's young one early in the morning thats nice
Winter has arrived and the time has changed. Summer time the sun risses around 7  but now that time is changed we see the sun shine at 6 already
Letshego Financial Services Namibia is registered as a micro-lending company that changed their name to Edu-loan. it helps most of the people and is almost in every town. The name is as if the words LET SHE GO is together

Tuesday 10 April 2012

The stars
When you look at the night sky you can see many beautiful stars. If you are out in the country or camping in the mountains or the desert away from the city lights the stars brightens you and they form shapes if you look at them and focus
He's now only 5 months and laughs alot and crys less. He is not that tall and likes it when we play with him
Brighten ups our nights for use to see and not walk into something for example walls.
Allows you to see things around you at night that wouldn't be able to be seen without light at night
Making friends with guys and girls was the best thing and working together.
We mingeled with a few guys and girls and enjoyed the easter holiday together as friends and helped and worked together as one.
Most of the small birds fly under our roof amd leave feases on the planks.
They live on the small holes of the roof and wall and comes in the afternoon and sing in their bird tones which us humans won't understand. Sounds more like hocky tokkies
The empty bottel
could be usefull but has advantages and disadvantageous.
the good is that we could use it for water storage,decorate it by insetting sand thats different in colour and be recycled and etc
the bad, the bottel might break and heart us by cutting us
The empty bottel
could be usefull but has advantages and disadvantageous.
the good is that we could use it for water storage,decorate it by insetting sand thats different in colour and be recycled and etc
the bad, the bottel might break and heart us by cutting us
The makalani fruit grows on the makalani tree and grows summer time and their mostly found in the north until in Rundu and Kavango. At the top of the trunk, branches, or petioles, radiate out from the trunk, growing to a length of one meter. The palm fans protect themselves with long black thorns. The leaves are feather-shaped.The makalani is an evergreen plant, keeping its leaves throughout the year. The leaves are bright green when young, but turn yellow to brown as they age.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

The rain makes it possible for the clouds to form and this picture I took on my way back to Windhoek and the grass looks more like smoke in front and there in the far back it loks like a stryp formed by the clouds and trees and bushes
It looks small but took us 1-2 hours to load the cow in the truck. It was one of the biggest and we had to get it down that took $ bullets and it awsn't easy as it seems to be if you have to estimate the hours we took
We all don't think taking the long way is needed and taking shortcuts are more faster. Taking the long way takes time and taking the shortcut paths is more fast but we face alot of problems via the shortcuts we take
Namibia our mother lands full of the green vergetation and we blessed with rain and mostly everywhere it's green that makes me feel good
The 1st thing I saw when I woke up and that made me look at it for a while. The blue looks very beautifull and looks as if the gradient was used. In the corners its a bit dark than bellow

Thursday 29 March 2012

Its amazing that we get small things that helps us do big things. gysers helps us alot via winter time because most people wouln't have bathed in cold water because it would be to cold
a very beautifull spider bloking the way to the outside toilet and they 2 I captured and the rest are around on the same web
rain drops on the car screen looks more like crystals and the car coming from infront makes it look more beautifull

Wednesday 28 March 2012

plastic bags are very important to us because every shop has plasic bags and if we don't have plastic bags in shops it would be very difficult to cary our food we buy and we wouldn't always buy alot off food that we can't carry
3 min to 11 and still busy with homework. All I did was drink coffee and so homework
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Coffe , suger and tea holders are found almost in every house that I know off. Thouse are the magic # things that makes people feel at ease
My cousins room always make me angry when I enter because her dolls and teddys are every where. The last time I entered she cleaned her room and it impressed me and we had a lil chat about that few teddys

Thursday 22 March 2012

Designing is on of the things that makes people think (how did you do that) and we can all come up with beutifull designs and sell or decorate our houses
Craft work is a gift from God. not all of us will get it right to make this with our own hands. It looks easy but its way to difficult and takes time to do that.
Most of the people might think its an ostrich egg or ball but its not. its a bolb protacter and it surrounds the bulb and dims the brightness
calenders are one of the important things we find becouse without one things wouldve been different
loves everywhere and we should love our neighbours as we love our sefs. plants shows us love to through the shapes they made and make our gardens attractive
this days it rains alot farmers like it and people being late for work or businesses get angry. It rains that much plants grow between rocks
Shadows appear day and night, most people belive and think shadows are our angels that might be true. we get different types of shadows as well

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Waves are always seen at the see but this days waves apear on hair and we get differernt types off toiletrees and etc
Paintings looks easy and simple to few people. I kept looking at this painting thinking its easy and we all can do it but no. this is a special painting to me now because it makes me think more about the young generation
Windows protects us from alot of things in life. every house has windows and really plays a big role in life
We covered by mountains and roads that leave town are usually between them that we would hardly see. we live in the city thats not leveled and from location to location we drive up and down.
Every day the dog stairs at me and does not bark. but the moment I pass by it starts barking when im a distance from it thats really weird