Thursday 29 March 2012

Its amazing that we get small things that helps us do big things. gysers helps us alot via winter time because most people wouln't have bathed in cold water because it would be to cold
a very beautifull spider bloking the way to the outside toilet and they 2 I captured and the rest are around on the same web
rain drops on the car screen looks more like crystals and the car coming from infront makes it look more beautifull

Wednesday 28 March 2012

plastic bags are very important to us because every shop has plasic bags and if we don't have plastic bags in shops it would be very difficult to cary our food we buy and we wouldn't always buy alot off food that we can't carry
3 min to 11 and still busy with homework. All I did was drink coffee and so homework
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Coffe , suger and tea holders are found almost in every house that I know off. Thouse are the magic # things that makes people feel at ease
My cousins room always make me angry when I enter because her dolls and teddys are every where. The last time I entered she cleaned her room and it impressed me and we had a lil chat about that few teddys

Thursday 22 March 2012

Designing is on of the things that makes people think (how did you do that) and we can all come up with beutifull designs and sell or decorate our houses
Craft work is a gift from God. not all of us will get it right to make this with our own hands. It looks easy but its way to difficult and takes time to do that.
Most of the people might think its an ostrich egg or ball but its not. its a bolb protacter and it surrounds the bulb and dims the brightness
calenders are one of the important things we find becouse without one things wouldve been different
loves everywhere and we should love our neighbours as we love our sefs. plants shows us love to through the shapes they made and make our gardens attractive
this days it rains alot farmers like it and people being late for work or businesses get angry. It rains that much plants grow between rocks
Shadows appear day and night, most people belive and think shadows are our angels that might be true. we get different types of shadows as well

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Waves are always seen at the see but this days waves apear on hair and we get differernt types off toiletrees and etc
Paintings looks easy and simple to few people. I kept looking at this painting thinking its easy and we all can do it but no. this is a special painting to me now because it makes me think more about the young generation
Windows protects us from alot of things in life. every house has windows and really plays a big role in life
We covered by mountains and roads that leave town are usually between them that we would hardly see. we live in the city thats not leveled and from location to location we drive up and down.
Every day the dog stairs at me and does not bark. but the moment I pass by it starts barking when im a distance from it thats really weird

Wednesday 7 March 2012

The spider was afraid to be killed and kept running everytime I got close with the phone. We all fear death and and that go's for insects aswell
The nest are made by birds and it takes a long time ro build on. The entrance of the nest is always under and not in the sides.

Most of use believe and think rules are ment to be broken. Speed kills,20 km-80 km we on the safe side and will get there safe. 90 km- 120 km accidence occur. From 140 km - 200 km humans don't care and are not afraid to die and speed them to death
Every day in our lifes we wake up and try gettig to work,schools,collages etc. We always don't wanna get late at work and most of the people stress on there way to work due to the long rows of cars at the mini circles and robots
Man believe they don't cry but since we all human we all dry. we hide our selfs if we have to cry and always say we don't. I made a drawing of a man crying to show everyone we all the same
The different colours are really beautifull. The red,blou,purple,yellow,green,violet etc. we always don't see the rainbow colours and only see it after a long time
The moons hiding behind the clouds but its visible and it shows that the moon can't hide behind the clouds

Thursday 1 March 2012

We never know what people build,when their busy building. when the buildings done its the only time we realise what they were busy constucting.
The majority of people usually only see cars from the sides,front and back. we have huge cars and trucks that we hardly see on top. there's a very low % off people that see cars from above